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发布时间:2021-02-04 热度:

Part IV Cloze(10 points)
Directions:In this part,there is a passage with ten blanks.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the best answer for each blank and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
Every day, they slowly accumulate. Plates covered in sauces and bread pieces. Bowls with a fine layer of who-knows-what. Forks, knives, and spoons all stuck with bits of this and that. At the end of a long day of work, cooking, cleaning, and, for many, negotiating with small children, a couple has to 46 the big question: Who is going to do the 47 ? A recent report on family dynamics suggests that the answer to that question can have a significant impact48the health and long lasting of a relationship. The study examined a variety of different household tasks,49_ shopping,laundry and housecleaning, and found that, for women in families, ifs more important to50the responsibility of doing the dishes than any other task. Women who washthe vast majority of the dishes themselves report 51 relationship conflict and less relationship satisfaction thanwomen with husbands 52 help. Women are happier about sharing dishwashing53than they are about sharing any other household task. What is it about dishes? Dan Carlson, assistant professor of family and consumer studies at the University of Utah, and the lead author of the study, offers his own observations: “Doing dishes is gross. 54 , unlike some other household tasks such as cooking or gardening, doing dishes well does not 55praises.”
A.make B. ask C.face D.deal
A.cookingB. laundry C.homework D.dishes
A.onB. for C.to D.at
A.requiring B. including C.undertaking D.organizing
A.exchange B. shoulder C.take D.share
A.less B. fewer C.further D.more
A.which B. who C.what D.whom
A.duties B. problems C.questions D.troubles
A.Seemingly B. However C.Besides D.Finally
A.demand B.generate C.mention D.provide
Part V Text Completion(20 points)
Directions:In this part,there are three incomplete texts with 20 questions(Ranging from 56 to75).Above each text there are three or four phrases to be completed.First,use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases.Second,use the completed phrases to fill in the blanks of the text.Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
Text One
A.so plentiful B.showered with C.exchange rings
Phrases: A.the bride and groom often56C. B.where the food is57A C.the couple is often58B handfuls of uncooked rice Wedding ceremonies in the United States vary as much as the people do. But many weddings, no matter where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs. For instance, 59A at the ceremony. The rings are usually worn on the fourth finger of the left hand, and are exchanged in the middle of the ceremony. After the ceremony,60C by friends and family. Rice, as we know, shows productivity and harvest. And then, there is often a party,61B that it almost takes the attention away from the people. Text Two A.who B.only C.the way Phrases: A.That number(62B)increases B.they change(63C)their brains work C.children(64A)use too much technology More than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media.(65A)as children age, with 95% of teens 12-17 spending time online. The time spent with technology doesn´t just give kids novel ways of doing things; it can lead to distraction and decreased memory. For example, while video games may condition the brain to pay attention to multiple stimuli,(66B). Children who always use search engines may become very good at finding information—but not very good at remembering it. In addition,67C may not have enough opportunities to use their imagination or to read and think deeply about the material. Text Three A.temperature B.special C.think D.other Phrases: A.have created a(68B)technique B.(69C)of eating the peel C.at a freezing cold(70A) D.similer to 71D other countries It almost seems too hard to believe, but there is now a banana that has an eatable peel. Most people would never(72B)of a banana. However, banana farmers in Japan(73A)for growing bananas with a peel we can eat. Farmers in Okayama, in the west of Japan, keep their banana trees(74C)of -60°C. The farmers then replant the trees in 27℃ temperatures. The huge change in temperature makes the tree suddenly grow too quickly for the peel to fully mature. This makes the skin thin, soft and sweet enough to eat. Bananas are the most popular fruit in Japan. (75D)Japan imports most of its bananas. About 99% of bananas in Japanese stores are imported. The new technique could mean Japanese people eat more home-grown bananas.










Passage Four Perenity (宁静)is difficult to find in todays fast-paced world. A moment of complete calm seems to be a rare and wonderful find. For me, those precious moments occur on a boat. As legendary sailor Vito Dumas once s...






